Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My friend Kayla is probably going to be shocked to see I finally posted a blog. I have been meaning to. But I never thought anyone would read it. And I have continued writing in the journal I was going to give Ava when she was older. But now that a few months have passed and the shock of our daughter's death has faded for many. I feel a lot more alone. Everyone gets to move on except for me and my family. We lost our future. And yet others seem to think that we will stop talking about her. I want to talk about her. But I feel like I am annoying people. I don't even know if anyone really reads my statuses on FB anymore. So I figured I'd write her and if anyone still cared about Ava then they could come read about how I am feeling. Instead of hiding me on FB because I might be ruining their happy day. Which I dont think is fair because I think if I have to read everyone elses happy posts about their babies/pregnancy then they can spare me some support in losing my daughter. If this had happened to a friend and not myself. Even if I had no idea on what to do or say. I would always listen and let them know that I havent stopped caring. I would attend the memorial service. So many of my friends I think are too insecure to come. Not sure what it will be like, what to say. Maybe afraid to cry. When I went to the support group last night I was afraid to cry. These were complete strangers. But like one of them said. It is easier to cry in front of strangers and not in front of those you know. These people poured their hearts to us about their loss. What they feel, what you thought wasn't normal, turns out to be very normal. Thomas told our story and everyone had a tissue. I cried for them and their losses, and even more touching they all cried for our loss.

Losing a child is the most horrible experience you can ever go through. I have been told so many times from those who have lost a child that "now you know that no matter what happens the rest of your life, it cant be as bad as this." And honestly, that is pretty true. I have experienced a lot in my life. And not having a dad around it just doesn't matter compare to losing your baby. I have never hurt this much. And it sucks because everyone is afraid of death....people are more likely to celebrate the good with you and know what to say...congrats...then a simple "Im sorry" when you loss someone. I myself am guilty of this. When my good friend Kathy lost her son, I didnt know what to say. I did say I was sorry. But then I never said anything else. And that hurts. The pain never leaves you and it hurts when you think everyone has forgotten the one you love. That they think you should be moving on by now. Let me tell you now...I will NEVER move on. I may have more children, but I lost my daughter. My first baby. I will always wonder what it would of been like had she lived. I will always look at my future children and wonder if Ava would of had the same color hair when she got older. You cannot expect me to just cry for her and then live my life. I will live, but I will always have a part of me in heaven and an innocence about life that is forever gone. Death is not scary. I guess if you never experienced losing someone you love, you just try to avoid it. Its NOT taboo. It is not something to just ignore.

Its not fair I lost my daughter, My selfish part knows this sucks, I wanted to have her in my arms always. But What I cant deal with is that she died and everyone seems to think she doesn't matter as much as a live baby on earth. That their baby is more important because he/she is alive and can be visably seen going through life, whereas my daughter is in Heaven and cant be seen. I plan to celebrate my daughters life for as long as I live. On her first birthday I will make her a cake. I will hang a stocking for her on Christmas. People thank God for the good in their life, and say let his will be done and how blessed they are...what about me? Am I therefore cursed because he took my daughter? Am I not blessed? I still thank God, even if I am hurting so bad. Because in my eyes. My daughter got to leave this evil earth and never face fear, sorrow, or danger. She is an angel and will forever be happy. Never know sadness. Is she not blessed because she isnt here on earth? She is just some sad story of a child who didnt get to live long? I dont think that is true. Her soul was so good and pure (all children are, but we lose that when we get older and have to find that innocence again)that God wanted her always to be happy with him in heaven. And one day when our souls are just as loving and good like hers. We too will be with him. I think she is very blessed. Our selfishness dont see it this way, because who doesnt want to watch their child grow? But sometimes God sends them only for a little while.

I am rambling. But I have so many thoughts locked in my head that I have held in for so long. Its hard to get them out in an order that can be understood.

I want to thank everyone who is going to celebrate Ava in August 28th. That means so much to me. I know so many of you still care and ache for our loss. But I try to stay positive that she is happy in heaven. Even if I am left here without her for now. I wish no one ever had to lose a child, but they are in a happy safe place. Its ok to cry and miss them. But try to stay positive that you will see them again and that they wouldn't want you to conitnue your life in darkness as you finish what your soul has to do here on earth to be with God.


  1. I am not sure what to say but I know that anything helps even just a little. Reading what you wrote here and on FB it show me that you have to find the positive in lose just as you have with your belief that Ava is in heaven and doesnt have to know the evils of the world. As you continue to grief just remember that there are always people that love you and your family and wish the best for them. I hope that yall find some true happiness in knowing that your daughter is always watching over yall. I read all of your statuses and because of you and knowing the pain you go through I hug my son a little tighter and try to enjoy the day with him because I know there are people out there like you that never got to see it all!! Thank you so much for sharing everything you have shared. Especially the beautiful pictures of your daughter on FB!!

  2. I also don't know what to say, because I always feel like nothing I can say will make losing Ava hurt any less.
    But I will say that you are one of the strongest people I know, and I am so impressed with how you've handled this situation- I don't know that I could.
    Your facebook statuses don't depress me, and I don't hide them. I think about Ava almost everyday, even though I didn't get to meet her and haven't seen you in so long. She reminds me to be grateful for every moment I have with those close to me. And working at the botanical gardens, I think of her everytime I see a butterfly, or a particularly beautiful flower.
    She's not forgotten- won't be- and has her mark on this world.

  3. I am shocked you finally wrote a blog lol. But I'm sure this will help you a lot & share with other people what you went through that others might not was to put out there. I know having people support you & know what your going through helps much more then someone just saying I'm sorry. And if they've never gone through it that's all they can really think to say. I know somewhat what you are going through because you know my story. I Love that you are able to write & talk about it because it's something you shouldn't hold in Ava wasn't a loss she was & still is a life that should be celebrated & not just mourned. She will always be your child & having more will never replace that. I, as well as many other people, are always here for you. <3 Love You Alexa, Thomas, & Ava.

  4. Thank you everyone.I am trying to look at the more positives. I know they are there.

    Kayla, reading your comment, I can totally tell you know how it feels. (I wish you didnt) because what you said...its what I tell myself but it doesnt mean as much when you tell yoruself until someone says it too. Ava's birth should of been a joyous event. And instead, since she died, it seemed to automatically switch to a sad event. And I still wanted to celebrate the fact I have a daughter. I am so glad I have a little girl. And yet all I heard was "I am sorry" I only heard "congratulations" twice. I was only called a mommy when she was born...three times. THAT hurt. And you saying that she should be celebrated...that really made me feel happy. Thank you. You are right, she wasnt a loss. Thomas tells me our next children wont replace her, they will be her siblings. you guys get it more then I do. I love you for it. I love you, Damon, Gabriel, little girl, and ramen noodle!!!!! <3

  5. I know this is not the same situation, but when I was in the 5th grade my only cousin died in a car accident. My aunt lost her first born, her only daughter. And yeah maybe she did get 18 years of life, but I still have the same thoughts you do. What would she be like now? Would she be married? Would she have kids? I don't think I ever understand my aunt's pain until I had Peyton. As a mother, losing a child no matter when or how is the worst pain imaginable. That was 10 years...almost 11 now...ago and we still talk about her and think about her. We celebrate her birthday...everything like that. Alexa you are in my mind up there with my aunt when I think about the strongest women I know. I would crumble in your situation. I fear having a miscarriage or worse. And as a mother we think about those things. Don't feel like people don't want to hear, we do. Don't feel like you have to move on, you don't. I'm glad you found a support group and you have your husband and your family. All I know is that I am so sorry this happened to you. I was so shocked and still am. I know we aren't that close but I feel so much pain in my heart for you and I will always be here if you need me =]

